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Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA)

Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) has been taken as a mission of improving quality of education in Nepal. QAA system ensures that an institution of higher education has fulfilled a set of criteria, not only at institutional level but also in their academic programs to offer better results to the society.

Pokhara Nursing Campus is in the process of attaining QAA issued by the University Grants Commission, Nepal. It has received the LOI acceptance letter from UGC on 5thMagh 2076, so it is eligible for QAA project. The campus has formed an Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC),Education Management and Information System(EMIS) and Self Assessment Team (SAT) under the chairmanship of campus chief Prof. Neeta Tamrakar, Ms. Isabel Lawot and Ms. Sharada Sharma respectively. The committees are working on the QAA system of its institution. At present, the campus has been preparing Self Study Report (SSR) to submit it to UGC for Quality Assurance and Accreditation certificate. It is expected that the Pokhara Nursing Campus will complete QAA cycle within five years.

The following three committees are working on the QAA system of this institution:

1. Internal Quality Assurance Committee(IQAC): This committee is the governing body of the QAA process of Pokhara Nursing Campus, which makes policy to work on the process and monitor the progress of the QAA process. To accomplish various task required for QAA process, different committees have been formed to support IQAC.

2. Self-Assessment Team (SAT): This team prepares a self-study report to submit to the QAA Division of UGC for the certificate of accreditation.

3. Education Management and Information System (EMIS): The EMIS of the campus has been working to publish notices, advertisements, annual progress reports, audit reports etc. in webpage for public information and transparency. This team prepares a data system of higher education institution called Education Management Information System (EMIS) and publishes a booklet. This includes a framework of indicators, tools and modality for annual data collection, regular data updating, analysis and reporting. This team initially will be 24under the Internal QAA Committee and work independently after the dissolution of the Internal QAA Committee.

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